Whether you are visiting Motortronics to tour our facility or attend a training session or just planning a vacation to the area, you will find this collection of local Tampa Bay area links useful. Check out the local restaurant, view the latest weather forecast, plan a visit to local attractions, discover our world class beaches, or the variety of other outdoor venues the area has to offer…
The weather at Motortronics: Weather Link
• To the factory from Tampa International Airport (TIA)
While there are plenty of hotels in the Tampa Bay area we have been able to get a corporate rate discount extended to our customers and vendors at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites which is very close to the plant. They offer very nice accomodations, free wifi, exercise room and free full breakfast daily.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
2580 Gulf to Bay Blvd
Clearwater, FL 33765
Tel: (727) 797-6300
Click here for hotel info
Please ask to speak with Kianna Selkridge, Corporate Sales Manager or email her at kselkridge@hiexclearwater.com
Please remember to tell them that you are with Phasetronics/Motortronics for your corporate rate guarantee.
Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce: www.beachchamber.com