VMX-B Plus Series
Advanced Configured Soft Starter
AC Supply Voltage :208 - 575 Vac
Soft Starter: VMX-Synergy Plus (ANSI)
HP Ratings : 7.5 to 1000 HP
Amp Ratings : 25 to 1080 Amps
Overload Rating : 500% for 60 sec (1.0 SF)
Enclosure :NEMA 4/12
Starting Method: 6 SCR based voltage/current ramping
Bypass: Full Voltage D.O.L. start with overload.
VMX-H Plus Series
Advanced Configured Soft Starter
AC Supply Voltage: 208 - 575 Vac
Soft Starter: VMX-Synergy Plus (ANSI)
HP Ratings: 3 to 1000 HP
Amp Ratings: 18 to 1080 Amps
Overload Rating: 500% for 60 sec (1.15 SF)
Enclosure: NEMA 4/12
Starting Method: 6 SCR based voltage/current ramping
Bypass: Full Voltage D.O.L. start with overload
VMX S.A.F.E. Series Motor Starting System
Total Safe Main Enclosure
AC Supply Voltage: 208 - 690 Vac
Soft Starter: VMX2 (ANSI)
HP Ratings: 7.5 to 1000 HP
Amp Ratings: 25 to 1080 Amps
Overload Rating: 500% for 60 sec (1.15 SF)
Enclosure: NEMA 4/IP67
Starting Method: 6 SCR based voltage/current ramping
Bypass: Full Voltage D.O.L. start with overload